Aemilius Aemilian
Aemilian was born around 206/207 on the island of Djerba, an island which nowadays belongs to Tunisia. In ancient times the island was called Meninx but in Roman times it was called Girba. All these names came from the places located on the island. The third bigger place on the island was called Tipasa. The wife of Aemilian was probably Cornelia Supera, some antoniniani were struck with her name on it.
During the reign of the emperor Trebonianus Gallus (june/july 251- april/may 253) and his son Volusian, Aemilian must have had a high military position in the province of Moesia Superior. Gallus had reached an agreement with the barbarians who frequently raided the provinces of Dacia and Moesia. In this agreement he had promised them a regular payment of a large sum of money. In return they would leave the provinces untouched. In despite of this agreement the Scythians managed to reach Asia trough Europe. They plundered the lands as far as Cappodocia, Pesinus, and Ephesus. Aemilian managed to inspire the legions under his command. In the period before that the moral had been low and the legions were afraid to confront the barbarians who had grown rich thanks to the tributes and plunder. Aemilian managed to attack the barbarians by surprise and to kill a great number of them. He even entered enemy territory and eliminated every resistance. Thanks to his successful actions his army proclaimed him emperor around december 252 or january 253. After his proclamation the mint of Viminacium struck sestertii in his name with the year XIV (july 252- july 253) and also silver antoniniani to pay and reward the legions and to ensure their loyalty. Also in the Dacian mint, situated in the city of Sarmizegetuza (or possibly Apulum), sestertii were minted in his name with the year VIII. After establishing a firm reign around the Danube provinces he collected as much troops as he good and went on his way to Rome to confront Gallus and his son Volusian. The latter were not prepared for a military confrontation and could only make preparations within their possibilities. After Aemilian was proclaimed emperor by his troops Gallus had managed to call upon governor/general Valerian to collect as many troops as possible from Raetia, Noricum and Germania to come to his aid and strike down Aemilians revolt. But Aemilians march on Rome was a swift one, his army arrived quickly in Italy and was soon approaching the army of Gallus. The armies were very near to each other when the soldiers of Gallus saw that they were heavily outnumbered and that Gallus in fact was a careless and indifferent man. His soldiers killed him and his son Volusian (april/may 253) and defected to the side of Aemilian. After this the senat in Rome unwillingly had to accept Aemilian as emperor.
In the mean time beyond the Alps Valerian had collected a great number of troops and marched in the direction of Moesia Superior to confront Aemilian. On his way over there he learned that Aemilian was already gone on his way to Rome and he decided to capture Moesia Superior and probably a bit later also Dacia instead. It looks like the coinage in the name of Aemilian at Viminacium came to an end a bit sooner than in the mint of Dacia. After Valerian and his army heared about the defeat and death of Gallus and Volusian the soldiers proclaimed Valerian emperor. The mint at Viminacium began to strike sestertii in his name with the year XIV but the main denomination struck at Viminacium was probably the antoninianus. These were used to pay en reward the soldiers and buy their allegiance. Next he marched into Italy to confront Aemilian. Their armies met nearby a bridge which after the battle earned the name “pons sanguinarii”. The location is situated between Ocriculum and Narnia somewhere in the center of the aerea between Spoletium (Spoleto) and Rome. The soldiers of Aemilian saw that his behaviour looked more like that of a private sentinel then that of an emperor and decided to murder him. After his death they sided with Valerian whom they saw more fit to rule te empire. At the time of his dead Aemilian was in his fourth month of his reign and about 47 years old. The victory of Valerian over Aemilian probably took place
around august/september 253. Valerian was proclaimed emperor in Rome by the senat en demobilized the legions in october 253.
The coins of Aemilian from Viminacium
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Denominations struck: sestertius
The sestertii have a portrait with laurel wreath.
Used notations of the local year:
AN XIV, used from december 252 or januari 253 until april/may 253.
Obverse text variations used:
Reverse text variations used:
d: PM - S - COLVIM
Sestertius ANNO XIV - 252/253 - Pick 180 - Martin 6.03.1 - Varbanov 227 | |
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Private collection Weight: gram Diameter: mm |
Obverse: Bust of Aemilian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder. Text: (F:) IMP C EMIL EMILIANO AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS EMILIVS EMILIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Emilius Emilianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia Superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN XIV (ANNO XIV) - jaar 14 (252/253). Remark: This sestertius is probably an early issue, struck after the victory over Gallus and his son Volusian. On this specimen Aemilians name is written as EMILIANO without a letter A. |
Sestertius ANNO XIV - 252/253 - Pick 181 - Martin 6.04 var. - Varbanov 231 var. | |
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Copyright Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 10,12 gram Diameter: 27 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Aemilian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder. Text: (E:) IMP C M EMIL EMILIANO AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS EMILIVS EMILIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Emilius Emilianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding a branch in her raised right hand and holding a scepter in the left. To the left of her a bull and to the right a lion. Text: (d:) PM - S - COLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia Superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN XIV (ANNO XIV) - jaar 14 (252/253). Remark: Just as the former specimen this sestertius is probably an early issue, struck after the victory over Gallus and his son Volusian. On this specimen Aemilians name is written as EMILIANO without a letter A. On the reverse Moesia is holding a branch in her raised right hand interrupting the text and holding a scepter in the left hand. The branch is probably depicting victory and the scepter a sign of power. |
Sestertius ANNO XIV - 252/253 - Pick 179 var. - Martin 6.01 var. - Varbanov 229 | |
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Collection Scott Sexton on Tantalus coin registry Weight: 8,49 grams Diameter: 26 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Aemilian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder. Text: (A:) IMP C M AEMIL AEMILIAN(VS A)V (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS AEMILIVS AEMILIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Aemilius Aemilianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (a:) PMS - COLVI (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia Superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN XIV (ANNO XIV) - year 14 (252/253) Remark: Probably an early sestertius where the bust does not yet resemble Aemilian. On the reverse the text is interrupted by the head of Moesia between the letters S and C. This left to little space on the right side to include the letter M in VIM. |
Sestertius ANNO XIV - 252/253 - Pick 179 var. - Martin 6.01.14 - Varbanov - (Verg. 229) | |
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Copyright Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 8,73 gram Diameter: 25 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Aemilian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder. Text: (A:) IMP C M AEMIL AEMILIAN(VS A)V (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS AEMILIVS AEMILIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Aemilius Aemilianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (e:) PMSC - OLVIII (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia Superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN XIV (ANNO XIV) - jaar 14 (252/253). Remark: This coin has much resemblance with the former specimen. This time the text on the reverse is interrupted by the head of Moesia between the letters C and O leaving enough space for the letter M in VIM. |
Sestertius ANNO XIV - 252/253 - Pick 179 - Martin 6.01.26 - Varbanov - (Verg. 229) | |
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Collection Scott Sexton on Tantalus coin registry Weight: 8,40 grams Diameter: 26 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Aemilian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder. Text: (B:) IMP C M AEMIL AEMILIANVS A (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS AEMILIVS AEMILIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Aemilius Aemilianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia Superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN XIV (ANNO XIV) - year 14 (252/253) Remark: This coin has a better portrait of Aemilian. |
Sestertius ANNO XIV - 252/253 - Pick - - Martin 6.02.1 - Varbanov 231 | |
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Copyright Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 13,47 gram Diameter: 28 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Aemilian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder. Tekst: (C:) IMP C M AEMIL AEMILIANVS AVG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS AEMILIVS AEMILIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Aemilius Aemilianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding a short scepter in her raised right hand and holding a long scepter in the left. To the left of her a bull and to the right a lion. Text: (b:) PMSC - OLVIM (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia Superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN XIV (ANNO XIV) - jaar 14 (252/253). Remark: This sestertius was probably struck after the victory over Gallus and his son Volusian. The obverse now has a nice detailed portrait of Aemilian. On the reverse Moesia is holding a short scepter in her raised right hand interrupting the text and a long scepter in the left hand. The scepter symbolizes a sign of power. |
Sestertius ANNO XIV - 252/253 - Pick 179 var. - Martin 6.01.27 - Varbanov - (Verg. 229) | |
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Copyright Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 8,80 gram Diameter: 25 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Aemilian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder. Text: (B:) IMP C M AEMIL AEMILIANVS A (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS AEMILIVS AEMILIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Aemilius Aemilianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (e:) PMSC - OLVIII (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia Superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN XIV (ANNO XIV) - year 14 (252/253) Remark: Later issue of Aemilian. |
Sestertius ANNO XIV - 252/253 - Pick 179 var. - Martin 6.01.28 - Varbanov - (Verg. 229) | |
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Copyright Classical Numismatic Group Weight: 11,07 gram Diameter: 26 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Aemilian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder. Text: (B:) IMP C M AEMIL AEMILIANVS A (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS AEMILIVS AEMILIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Emperor, Caesar Marcus Aemilius Aemilianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (c:) PMSC - OLVII (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia Superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN XIV (ANNO XIV) - year 14 (252/253) Remark: Later issue of Aemilian with slightly different portrait than on the previous coin. |
Sestertius ANNO XIV - 252/253 - Pick 179 var. - Martin 6.01.23 - Varbanov - (Verg. 229) | |
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Collection Arminus on Tantalus coin registry Weight: 8,29 grams Diameter: 25 mm |
Obverse: Bust of Aemilian to the right with laurel wreath, part of paludamentum (cloak, cape) visible on the shoulder. Tekst: (D:) IMP C M AEMIL AEMILVINVS AG (IMPERATOR CAESAR MARCVS AEMILIVS AEMILIANVS AVGVSTVS) - Veldheer, keizer Marcus Aemilius Aemilianus Augustus. Reverse: Woman (Moesia) standing with head to the left holding her right hand over a bull and her left hand over a lion. Text: (c:) PMS - COLVII (PROVINCIA MOESIA SVPERIOR COLONIA VIMINACIVM) - Province Moesia Superior Colony Viminacium. Exergue: AN XIV (ANNO XIV) - year 14 (252/253) Remark: Later issue of Aemilian. The text on the obverse runs underneath the bust of Aemilian and has some errors in the name of the emperor. On the reverse the text is interrupted by the head of Moesia between the letters S and C leaving little space for the letter M in VIM which is now written as VII. |